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Pattern Library (ver. 1.6)


This page is archived under version 1.6 and is available for reference purposes only. The latest version of Pattern Library is 2.

Background image

The utility class background-image along with the utility ratio classes can be used together to set a background image on an element. The ratio class sets up the dimensions of the element and the background image fills the entire area.

This option can be more flexible than simply using the <img> tag. The image will be displayed in the chosen ratio regardless of the image’s actual physical dimensions.

Warning: Edges of the image could potentially be cut off so it is not recommended to use the background-image to display images with important information.

Background image ratios

There are 4 background image ratios currently supported:

Ratio Class name
16x9 ratio-16x9
4x3 ratio-4x3
1x1 ratio-1x1
3x4 ratio-3x4




<!-- 16x9 -->
<div class="background-image ratio-16x9" style="background-image: url( 'image.jpg' );"></div>

<!-- 4x3 -->
<div class="background-image ratio-4x3" style="background-image: url( 'image.jpg' );"></div>

<!-- 1x1 -->
<div class="background-image ratio-1x1" style="background-image: url( 'image.jpg' );"></div>

<!-- 3x4 -->
<div class="background-image ratio-3x4" style="background-image: url( 'image.jpg' );"></div>

Background image positioning

The default focus or positioning of the background image is set to the horizontal and vertical center.

By using the background-position utility classes, the positions can be customized on the x and y basis. There are a total of 9 possible combinations. Apply the classes to the background-image element.

X position class name Y position class name
bg-pos-x-left bg-pos-y-top
bg-pos-x-center bg-pos-y-center
bg-pos-x-right bg-pos-y-bottom

Background position demo

Below is a demonstration of the 9 possible background positioning combinations. Mix and match the images and ratios to see the background positions in action.

1. Select an image

2. Select a ratio

3. View results

Left, top
Center, top
Right, top
Left, center
Center, center
Right, center
Left, bottom
Center, bottom
Right, bottom