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Pattern Library (ver. 1.9)


This page is archived under version 1.9 and is available for reference purposes only. The latest version of Pattern Library is 2.

Alert banner

Alert banners are used as prominent visual cues for communicating messages to users. There are two styles of alert banners available for use: global and inline. Refer to the usage page for further details.

Global alerts

The global alert banner can be used to communicate important site-wide messages, warnings, or emergency information. It is recommended to place the global alert banner at the top of the page.

Global alerts can be also contain buttons that close or minimize the alert. JavaScript is required for this functionality. Example JavaScript is provided in the code block below.


Use the select box below to view the available alert types.

Warning Title consectetur adipiscing elit in eu tincidunt dolor a vulputate

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean magna nisl, finibus eget vulputate eu, mattis in eros. Nullam rhoncus pulvinar lectus, sed faucibus nisl lobortis eget.

Call to action Secondary call to action


	Alert types: warning, error, caution, information, success
		Warning or Error - Use `cicon-exclamation-triangle`
		Caution - Use `cicon-exclamation-diamond`
		Information - Use `cicon-exclamation-circle`
		Success - Use `cicon-check-circle`

<div class="cui alert-banner global {{ warning | error | caution | information | success }}"
	role="alertdialog" aria-labelledby="{{ Alert title id }}" aria-describedby="{{ Alert description id }}">
	<div class="alert-header">
		<span class="alert-icon {{ cicon-exclamation-triangle | cicon-exclamation-diamond | cicon-exclamation-circle | cicon-check-circle }}" aria-hidden="true"></span>
		<h2 id="{{ Alert title id }}" class="alert-title">{{ Alert Type }} <span aria-hidden="true">|</span> {{ Alert title }}</h2>

		<!-- Optional alert action buttons to close or minimize the alert. Use only one per alert.
			 JavaScript is required; see example JavaScript below.
		<!-- Optional close alert button -->
		<button class="alert-action-btn cui btn-md" data-action="close"><span class="text">Close</span><span class="cicon-close-thin-large right" aria-hidden="true"></span>

		<!-- Optional minimize alert button -->
		<button class="alert-action-btn cui btn-md" data-action="minimize"><span class="text">Minimize</span><span class="cicon-minus-thin right" aria-hidden="true"></span>
	<div class="alert-body">
		<p id="{{ Alert description id }}">{{ Alert description }}</p>
		<!-- Optional call-to-action links -->
		<a class="cui btn-sm utility-btn" href="{{ URL }}">{{ Call to action text }}</a>
		<a class="cui btn-sm secondary-text" href="{{ URL }}">{{ Secondary call to action text }}</a>

<!-- Example JS to configure the close or minimize alert buttons -->
<script src="js/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"></script>
	$( document ).ready( function() {
		$( '.alert-action-btn' ).click( function() {
			var btn = $( this );
			var actionType = btn.attr( 'data-action' );
			var alertEl = btn.parents( '.alert-banner' );
			if ( actionType === 'close' ) {
			else if ( actionType === 'minimize' ) {
				var alertBody = alertEl.find( '.alert-body' );
				var btnText = btn.find( '.text' );
				var btnIcon = btn.find( '[class*="cicon-"]' );
				if ( ':visible' ) ) {
					btnText.text( 'Expand' );
					btnIcon.attr( 'class', 'right cicon-plus-thin' );
				else {;
					btnText.text( 'Minimize' );
					btnIcon.attr( 'class', 'right cicon-minus-thin' );

Inline alerts

Inline alerts can be condensed to one line to contain a concise message and an optional call to action.

Or the inline alert can be expanded to separately call out the title, the message, and a call to action.


Use the select box below to view the available alert types.


sit amet consectetur adipiscing Call to action

WarningLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing

Pellentesque at dui ullamcorper, viverra ligula nec, fermentum nisi. In eu tincidunt dolor, a vulputate metus.

Call to action


	Alert types: warning, error, caution, information, success
		Warning or Error - Use `cicon-exclamation-triangle`
		Caution - Use `cicon-exclamation-diamond`
		Information - Use `cicon-exclamation-circle`
		Success - Use `cicon-check-circle`

<!-- Short inline variant -->
<div class="cui alert-banner inline {{ warning | error | caution | information | success }}"
role="alertdialog" aria-labelledby="{{ Alert title id }}">
	<div class="alert-body">
		<span class="alert-icon {{ cicon-exclamation-triangle | cicon-exclamation-diamond | cicon-exclamation-circle | cicon-check-circle }}" aria-hidden="true"></span>
		<h2 id="{{ Alert title id }}" class="alert-title d-inline">
			{{ Alert Type }}<span class="font-weight-normal"> <span aria-hidden="true">|</span>
		<p class="d-inline">{{ Alert description }}<a href="{{ URL }}">{{ Call to action text }}</a></p>


<!-- Long inline variant -->
<div class="cui alert-banner inline {{ warning | error | caution | information | success }}"
role="alertdialog" aria-labelledby="{{ Alert title id }}" aria-describedby="{{ Alert description id }}">
	<div class="alert-body">
		<span class="alert-icon {{ cicon-exclamation-triangle | cicon-exclamation-diamond | cicon-exclamation-circle | cicon-check-circle }}" aria-hidden="true"></span>
		<h2 id="{{ Alert title id }}" class="alert-title">{{ Alert Type }} <span aria-hidden="true">|</span> {{ Alert title }}</h2>
		<p id="{{ Alert description id }}">{{ Alert description }}</p>
		<a href="#" class="cui btn-sm utility-btn">{{ Call to action text }}</a>

Small alerts

The small alert variant can be used to display very short messages to the user, particularly when the alert banners above may be too large and visually competitive with your messaging.

The HTML for the small alert variant has been simplified in comparison to the alert banners. The icons are embedded into the CSS and will change depending on the alert type class.

Warning or error label
Caution label
Information label
Success label


<div class="cui alert-small {{ error | caution | information | success }}">
	{{ Label }}


General guidelines

There are 4 alert types available. Each of these are colour-coded to match the type of alert it should contain.

Class name Colour Recommended icon Usage
warning or error red  cicon-exclamation-triangle

Used to display warnings, errors, or emergency messages.
For example, a form was missing information and could not be submitted, a network error occured, or an emergency message needs to be displayed.

caution yellow  cicon-exclamation-diamond

Used to display cautionary messages.
For example, the website will be experiencing scheduled downtime, or a snow route parking ban will begin.

information blue  cicon-exclamation-circle

Used to display general information messages.
For example, a new version of the website or a feature is available for users to beta test.

success green  cicon-check-circle

Used to indicate an action has been completed successfully.
For example, a form has been submitted successfully, a setting has been saved, or a state of emergency has been lifted.

The banner title should be concise and descriptive. Avoid long sentences. The recommended character limit is 50. It is recommended to include the alert type prior to the title. For example “Error | Your form could not be submited due to the following errors…” or “Success | Your request has been submitted.”

The banner description or message should contain further details about the subject or warning. The recommended character limit is 255.

The call-to-action link should direct users to further information, if applicable. Ensure the text is concise and direct.

The alert icon serves as a visual cue to correlate with the type of alert. Refer to the table above to see the recommended icon for each alert type.

Please DO
  • Keep the title short.
  • Ensure the description is clear.
  • Use simple and direct language for the call-to-action.
Please DON’T
  • Do not write a long title.
  • Do not forget to write a description to provide additional context.
  • Do not make the call-to-action text too long.